Tag Archives: bad breath

Bad Breath Remedies To Use At Home

Having bad breath will create many problems for anybody in life. If you have bad breath, there are various things in life that you will probably not enjoy, like close contact with a loved one and even the taste of your food. Bad breath remedies are obtainable for those who would like to cure their chronic bad breath, and if you are one of those people who either cannot afford to see a physician or reject to visit a doctor about some bad breath, here are some […]

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Bad Breath, The Cure Is As Simple As The Cause

Bad Breath, also known as Halitosis (Halitosis is the medical term for ‘bad breathÂ’) is an extremely restrictive condition, and it affects millions of people. It restricts people from leading a normal life. Have you ever shied away from a conversation because you knew you had bad breath? Or have you ever cut a conversation short because the person you spoke to had bad breath? There wouldn’t be a person on the planet who hasn’t. Bad breath is a social turn-off. And it doesn’t just restrict people […]

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Your Tongue’s Dirty Little Secret, Bad Breath

While you may know that the bacteria in your mouth is the cause of 90 percent of bad breath, you may not realize the majority of smell-generating bacteria are sitting on the back of your tongue. What’s more, the majority of the over 60 million people diagnosed with oral malodor are not aware of the single best method to improve their breath–the simple act of scraping the tongue. Tongue cleaning has been practiced for centuries and recent literature has shown it leads to a healthy oral environment. […]

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Bad Breath, It Happens To The Best Of Us

So why do we get bad breath and how the heck can we get rid of it? These are two very common and very important questions that we have all had to ask ourselves at some time or another. The reason it is such an important thing to figure out is that it is so much a part of who we are. It affects our confidence with people and our reputation around people. Talking is such a part of our daily life and if we have bad […]

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What Causes Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis as it is called in medical terms, is a very common problem. Though many people affected by it may not be aware that they suffer from bad breath, and it is important that they discover the problem soon. That is because having bad breath could be really embarrasing and sooner or later, friends and acquaintances will shun your company if you are plagued by the condition. You could be worrying about bad breath, without having someone close to you to bring your attention […]

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Remedies For Halitosis

Most people think that bad breath is caused only by poor dental hygiene. However, chronic bad breath,a condition known as halitosis,can stem from various medical problems, dry mouth and even the Atkins diet. If you have a consistent bad breath problem it is wise to visit your dentist in order to determine the cause of the problem. There are several possible reasons for bad breath such as dental decay, or gum disease. The dentist can diagnose other problems which cause bad breath including yeast infections of the […]

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The Halitosis Of Bad Breath

Bad Breath or Halitosis is the term used to describe unpleasant smell exhaled in breathing. There are different types of Halitosis. Transient bad breath is very common and is caused due to oral dryness, stress, hunger, eating foods containing garlic and onions, smoking and poor oral hygiene. Morning breath and chronic bad breath are the other types. The latter affects 25% of the population at different levels. This condition is caused by the overpopulation of certain types of oral bacteria like streptococcus mutans, and requires special treatment. […]

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The Facts About Bad Breath

We have all had an experience where you have been required to speak to someone and you have been unable to concentrate on their response because of their bad breath. The medical term for this condition is known as halitosis and there can be a number of causes for it. However, the end result is always the same and it can be described as the presence of foul smelling gases in exhaled air. So, what causes this to happen? Well, there are two main types of halitosis […]

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Get Rid of Bad Breath

If you want to get rid of bad breath, it depends to some extent on the cause of the problem. If you have any doubts, or the problem seems chronic, it would be wise to consult your dentist or physician to ensure that the bad breath is not symptomatic of other problems that should be addressed. For instance, you could have periodontal problems (gum disease), and even diabetes can cause breath odor. Having said that, generally the causes of bad breath are well known and can be […]

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Free Yourself From Bad Breath

When you know you have a bad breath, and it’s keeping you from socializing or interacting with other people because you fear that your bad breath will blow people away; then get rid of these fears. You are not the only one suffering from it. It is a very common problem and can be caused by very minute problems like not cleaning your teeth properly, digestion problems, smoking, and more. In medical terms it is known as halitosis. Causes of Bad Breath Some of the main causes […]

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