Tag Archives: condition

What Causes Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis as it is called in medical terms, is a very common problem. Though many people affected by it may not be aware that they suffer from bad breath, and it is important that they discover the problem soon. That is because having bad breath could be really embarrasing and sooner or later, friends and acquaintances will shun your company if you are plagued by the condition. You could be worrying about bad breath, without having someone close to you to bring your attention […]

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The Facts About Bad Breath

We have all had an experience where you have been required to speak to someone and you have been unable to concentrate on their response because of their bad breath. The medical term for this condition is known as halitosis and there can be a number of causes for it. However, the end result is always the same and it can be described as the presence of foul smelling gases in exhaled air. So, what causes this to happen? Well, there are two main types of halitosis […]

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